a little bit of native garden sunshine
This courtyard has been transformed from boring old gravel and step stones to a wonderful native garden, full of wild flowers. We first came upon this courtyard a couple of years ago. It was a classic new townhouse with lots of gravel and step stones, minimal landscaping. The developers actually did our client a favour because we didnt need to do much to transform it to what she wanted. We’ve replaced the step stones with a board walk which gets her from a to b, the old clothesline concrete right outside the living room is a great place to sit in the garden (we moved the clothesline out of sight!), and the rest, well it’s all native shrubs and ground covers that will cope on this site. The upshot, we think it’s a pretty nice garden to enjoy, from inside looking out, from a to b on the way to work, and, just to sit in and enjoy the sunshine. It’s a little bit of native sunshine, in Sunshine.