Autumn trees

Now is the time to research trees for your garden. There are plenty of to choose from, varieties that will suit a small garden, whether it be a small back garden / courtyard or front garden.
Like all other parts of a small space, trees have to work hard through all the seasons. Consider leaf colour (especially now) but also the bark colour and the sculptural effects of the trunk. Think multi trunked Crepe Myrtle and Maples. Of course fruit trees are also a great option, citrus for evergreen – in pots or in the ground – or deciduous. – apple, pear plum and so many more. The beauty of fruit trees is of course you get the fruit, but they are also easy to maintain as a small tree.
And, then there are native trees for bird life. The options are endless, consider summer shade – for you, for the dog, the kids play area, somewhere nice to sit in the summer shade.
Email Small Spaces, we would be happy to help you choose a tree for your garden.
